ACL Reconstruction

ACL Reconstruction in Birmingham, AL

If you are experiencing pain or instability in your knee due to an ACL injury, seeking medical attention is crucial. In Birmingham, Alabama, J. Todd Smith, MD is a highly experienced Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon who specializes in ACL reconstruction surgery.

With years of experience and a commitment to providing personalized care, Dr. Smith can help you regain stability and mobility in your knee. Don’t let an ACL injury hold you back, call (205) 573-4700 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Smith today.
A sprained or torn ACL is a very common injury that can affect anyone. Athletes are more prone to these types of knee injuries as they are often engaging in activities that easily lead to an ACL tear or sprain.

A sprained or torn ACL is a very common injury that can affect anyone. Athletes are more prone to these types of knee injuries as they are often engaging in activities that easily lead to an ACL tear or sprain

Where is My ACL?

There are several different ligaments that make up the knee. The role of the cruciate ligaments is to control the back-and-forth motion of the knee. Cruciate ligaments are located inside the knee joint, and they cross diagonally across the knee.

The anterior cruciate ligament can be found in the middle of the knee running diagonally to the posterior cruciate ligament at the back of the knee. The purpose of the ACL is to provide stability to the entire knee joint, with particular importance regarding the tibia and keeping it in place.

ACL Sprains and Tears

There is a gradual scale that exists to measure the severity of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament. This scale consists of:

  • Grade 1 ACL Sprain – The ACL has been overstretched but is still able to maintain the stability of the knee joint.
  • Grade 2 ACL Sprain – The ACL becomes loose from the amount of strain it has endured. Often, this particular grade of an ACL sprain is also known as a partial tear.
  • Grade 3 ACL Sprain – This is the worst-case scenario wherein the ACL has been torn completely and split into two separate pieces, leaving the joint unstable.

Although grade 1 and 2 sprains can occur, a grade 3 sprain or complete tear of the ACL is the most common injury sustained by the anterior cruciate ligament.

What Can Lead to an ACL Injury?

As previously mentioned, athletes are more likely to injure their ACL due to the nature of their particular sport or activity. Female athletes are particularly susceptible to ACL injury, as studies have shown. There is no exact reason, but many believe that the answer lies in the subtle differences in the muscular and skeletal systems of men and women.
Most ACL injuries have occurred from:

  • A sudden change of direction (cutting)
  • Abrupt stops
  • Improper landing from a jump
  • A collision
  • Slowing from a run

What are the Symptoms of an ACL Injury?

Many people who experience an injury to their ACL will hear a “pop” or feel their knee give out, making the ACL injury quite noticeable. Typically, pain will quickly follow such sounds or sensations, and the joint will begin to swell.

In the case of a minor ACL injury, or grade 1 sprain, avoiding use of the knee joint with proper rest and relaxation may be enough to repair the damage. Unfortunately, many patients do not give their bodies enough time to heal before returning to sports or regular activities.

More serious injuries such as a partial or complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament are usually accompanied by worsening pain, loss of range of motion within the joint, tenderness of the area affected, and discomfort during use of the ACL.

Schedule an ACL Reconstruction Consultation in Birmingham, AL

If you’re dealing with knee pain or instability due to an ACL injury, don’t wait any longer to seek help. Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. J. Todd Smith, specializes in ACL reconstruction surgery in Birmingham, Alabama. Call (205) 573-4700 for an appointment and regain stability and mobility in your knee today.